Activity 1: Study

This activity addresses the second specific objective through a study that will prove the conditions and potential for further development (roll-out) of LNG and L2CNG infrastructure within Slovakia. This activity also contributes to the second specific objective as it is a basis for the deployment of the pilot defined in Activity 2.


The study will collect market feedback; optimize business client relations; evaluate demand-driven scenarios; asses environmental contributions; improve and adapt technical and operational aspects of the entire supply chain; prepare business plans and objectives for commercial sustainability of future large-scale implementation on other sections of corridors in Slovakia and in neighbouring countries.


This activity consists of the following tasks/sub-activities:


1.1 Development of a preparatory study containing terms of reference regarding public procurement process and definition of the legislative framework for authorizing construction. It will also deliver the study of the optimum size and technical specifications of the LNG liquefaction plant and LNG/L2CNG stations.


1.2 Development of a feasibility study for site location of the LNG liquefaction plant and LNG/L2CNG stations along the CNC, including assessment of impact on future land use and urban planning, related risk management matrix and Gantt chart with detailed timetable of particular actions and their milestones.


1.3 Development of Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) and Risk assessment in compliance with respective national legislation and thus required safety documentation mainly in respect to safety documentation on prevention of major industrial accidents and fire safety planning.


1.4 Development of security plan according to the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous goods by rail (RID), the European Agreements concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and by Inland Waterway (AND) and related internal documents as required by applicable legal regulations of the Slovak Republic with regard to the transport of dangerous goods and related issues.


1.5 Development of business models study containing analysis of operation and economics of transport (from point of view of vehicle fleet operators and from point of view of infrastructure owners). This study will provide data for attracting customers to use LNG and CNG and infrastructure owners to multiply the pilot deployment;


1.6 Development of an environmental study summarizing the acquired knowledge, which shall include a final evaluation together with a comparison of pros and cons of LNG for the environment, benefits to society, acceptability for the general public and potential risks, the impact on climate change.


1.7 Development of the final assessment report, that will include the main economic parameters and outcomes considering heavy duty transport business models, LNG production and supply chain experience, adaptability of L2CNG stations, lessons learned and recommendations of further roll-out of LNG and L2CNG technology in Slovakia and possibly even in neighbouring countries.


This activity will result in the following deliverables:


D1.1: Preparatory study containing technical specification of liquefaction plant and LNG/L2CNG stations for public procurement;

D1.2: Feasibility (location) study;

D1.3: HAZOP and Risk assessment

D1.4: Security plan according to ADR/RID/ADN and related internal documents as required by applicable legal regulations of the Slovak Republic

D1.5: Business models study;

D1.6: Environmental study;

D1.7: Final assessment report.