About the project

“The main aim of the project is to offer the public a new alternative LNG fuel for heavy duty transport and building a new modern and innovative infrastructure of CNG filling stations on the core corridors in Slovakia (highway D1 and D2).”


Project partners


Advatages of using natural gas in transport


  • 25% less CO2 and 75% less NOx emissions compared with petrol

  • No emissions of particle matters and therefore filters and additives neither needed (AdBlue)

  • Use of biomethane allows further significant reduction of emissions CO2

Proven and beneficial

  • Already today many operators are using trucks and buses driving on CNG

  • Natural gas in LNG form provides significantly higher vehicle mileage

  • Economic beneficial alternative, which is also friendly to the environment

Secure and available

  • Crash tests proves, that vehicles on natural gas are equally secure as vehicles on common fuels

  • Natural gas will be available longer than crude oil


  • Gas driven engines significantly reduce emissions of the noise and allowed 24/7 service


  • Ecomobility Day - 21.9.2019

    On Saturday, September 21, 2019, the Ecomobility Day was held in the SPP premises, prepared by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. The main objective of the event was to promote alternative fuels to the general public.As the guarantor of the gas mobility section, SPP prepared a comprehensive presentation of vehicles powered by CNG (compressed natural gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas). The exhibitors included brands such as VW, Skoda and Seat. Heavy transport segments were represented by a van, LNG IVECO and SCANIA tractors, a MERCEDES garbage truck. Our CNG bus also provided a shuttle to the Museum of Commerce. Information on CNG and LNG fuels and infrastructure was provided by the central stand of SPP, SPPCNG and the fueLCNG project. Our partners presented their experience in the operation of vehicles. There was also a moderated CNG vehicle filling at the CNG filling station located in our premises. We thank everyone who supported us and who worked with us on this nice event.

  • Test runs on IVECO and SCANIA trucks

    SPP in cooperation with IVECO and SCANIA started on 19.11.2018 test runs of LNG trucks in Slovakia.

  • Natural gas can clean up the planet

    Spotreba zemného plynu bude rásť do roku 2040 o 1,6% ročne - trhy so zemným plynom sa celosvetovo rozvíjajú vďaka dvom revolúciám: stúpajúcej ťažbe bridlicového plynu a globalizácii obchodu s LNG